PUNCAK - The Mobile Task Force Yonif 323 Buaya Putih Kostrad once again showed its commitment to supporting the welfare of the people of inland Papua through health services provided to residents in a number of remote areas, one of which is in the Wombru Village area, Mege'abume District, Puncak Regency, Tuesday (28/1/2025)
This health service is carried out as part of the TNI Manunggal which aims to strengthen the relationship between the TNI and the community. In this activity, the medical team of the Mobile Yonif 323 White Crocodile Kostrad Task Force from Titik Kuat Pintu Jawa provided free health checks and treatment to people who have limited access to medical facilities.
The Commander of the Pintu Jawa Strong Point, Lettu Inf Arif Agung Caroko, said that this activity was a tangible form of the TNI's concern for the community in the assignment area. "We understand the challenges faced by the people of inland Papua, especially related to access to health services. Therefore, we are here to help and ensure that public health is maintained, " said Lettu Inf Arif
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The local community warmly welcomes this health service. One of the residents, Mama Yance, expressed her gratitude for the attention and assistance provided by the Jawa Door Post. "We are very helped by this health service, many of us previously had difficulty getting medicine or health checks, " he said.
In addition to health services, Yonif 323 also distributes medicines and vitamins. This activity is expected to have a long-term positive impact on the people of inland Papua, as well as strengthen good relations between the TNI and the community. The Mobile Yonif 323/Buaya Putih Kostrad Task Force continues to be committed to continuing to carry out humanitarian missions in the Papua region and making public health one of the top priorities in its program.
Separately, the Commander of Habema, Brigadier General of the Indonesian Armed Forces Lucky Avianto, appreciated the Yonif 323 Kostrad Task Force for holding Free Health Services for Mege'abume residents.
"This is a form of TNI's concern for the Papuan people, especially the provision of basic services in the health sector, in order to support efforts to accelerate the development of Papua, " he concluded
Dansatgas Media HABEMA, Kolonel Arh Yogi Nugroho